Weapon in Monster Hunter: Dragon Jaw
The mecha in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: ZGMF-X10A Free Gundam
Weapons in the game League of Legends: Weapons of the Victory God Tedamir
Weapon in the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive: Claw Knife
Hammer of Thor in the game Marvel Avengers
Prop in the game "Guardians": Genji's Dart
Characters in the game "Watchman": Fortress
Character in Marvel Avengers: Phantom
Scene in the game DOFUS: Jungle style cabin
Characters in the game "Valorant": Neon
Characters in the game "Valorant": One Stop
Characters in the Zelda game series: Link on a break
Weapon in Monster Hunter 4: Toad Chef Knife
Monster in Monster Hunter: World: Fire Dragon
Weapon in Monster Hunter: Manjawed Dragon Sword
Weapon in the game Monster Hunter: World: Dragon Jaw Sword [Jue Ya]
Weapon in Final Fantasy XIV: Revolver Blade
Weapon in World of Warcraft: Sword of Salaman
Weapon in the game "God of War: Twilight of the Gods": Leviathan's Axe
Weapon in the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive: M9 bayonet
Weapon in the game "God of War: Twilight of the Gods": Thor's Hammer
Weapon in the game "God of War: Twilight of the Gods": Blade of Olympus
Weapon: Chaos Blade in the game "God of War: Twilight of the Gods"
Prop for Assassin's Creed: Hall of the Spirit: Viking Dagger
Prop for the game Assassin's Creed: Hall of Heroes: Viking Berserker Helmet
Prop in World of Warcraft: Queldra
Monsters in the Monster Hunter series: Transforming Dragons
Architecture in the game "Wizardry III": Windmills in Willem Village
Character in Apex Heroes: Watson
Monster in the game Horizon: Dawn of Zero: Sawtooth Beast
Character in Marvel Avengers: Falcon Sam Wilson
Character in Marvel Avengers: Jane Foster
Character in Marvel Avengers: Hawkeye
Monster in the game Horizon: Dawn of Zero: Longnecked Beast
Monsters in the Monster Hunter series: Steel Dragon