Robot WALL-E
The versatile characters in the game Pokemon
The mecha in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam: RX-78
[3D Game Scene] Fisherman's Residence in the North Sea of Sweden
Star Wars B1 Battle Robot
Star Wars Robot R2-D2
Robot: RX-0 Unicorn in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam UC RE: 0096
The mecha in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam: RX-78-2 Gundam
The mecha in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: ZGMF-X20A Assault Freedom
The mecha in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: ZGMF-X10A Free Gundam
The mech in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam: CFK-029 Demon Judge
The mecha in the theatrical version of the anime "Evangelion of the New Century": EVA mass-produced machine
The mecha in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam: NZ-666 Chadili (battle damage)
The mecha in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam: NZ-666 Chadili
The mecha in the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam Series": ASW-G-XX Gundam Vidal
The mecha in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam: ASW-G-08 Babatos
The character Water Arrow Turtle in the game Pocket Monster
The character Trumpet Sprout in the game Pokemon
Picard Phaser sci-fi weapons for Star Trek
Star Wars BB-9E Robot
Props in the anime "Game King": A Millennium Mystery
Star Wars BB-8 Robot
Star Wars X-Wing Rebel Flight Suit
Mandalorian helmets
[Doll figurines] Mandalorians and Yoda babies
A cartoon style 3D model of a coffee shop
Cartoon Little Flying Dragon 3D Model
White cute cartoon duckling 3D model
Mech in the anime series "Evangelion of the New Century": First class mech (deified state)
Weapon in the anime "Evangelion of the New Century" series: Rankinus gun
The mecha in the anime "New Century Gospel Warrior" series: the first aircraft
The character in the movie Spider Man: Parallel Universe: Gwen Stacy
Characters in the game "Valorant": Shadow
The character in the movie Spider Man: Parallel Universe: Miles Morales
The protagonist in the manga "Baron of Hell": Baron of Hell